David J. Perrotto
Oct 22, 20185 min read
The Ultimate Financial Cheat Sheet at 40
Many people have no gauge on where they should be at their age, nor do they have a benchmark, or a simple playbook to look at to see where t

David J. Perrotto
Aug 27, 20184 min read
7 reasons why you should meet with a Financial Advisor
a good financial advisor isn't going to sell you a specific product in order to make a commission. Instead, a quality advisor will liste

David J. Perrotto
Jul 16, 20183 min read
What is a diminished value claim?
What is a diminished value claim? How can I claim it? It's a little-known insurance payout. It amounts to compensation for the loss of y

David J. Perrotto
Jul 9, 20183 min read
Traveling on a budget
Many people would love to travel more. In fact, in 2016, Americans forfeited 206 million vacation days. That means that workers
lost $6

David J. Perrotto
Jun 11, 20184 min read
Millennials: How to invest when you are on a tight budget
For most millennials, investing as soon as they get out of college is almost impossible. In their most recent survey, the National Associati